
Noda lauds crisis workers in visit to Fukushima

Noda lauds crisis workers in visit to Fukushima Kyodo FUKUSHIMA — Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda on Thursday visited the leaking Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant — his first trip to the prefecture since taking the reins of power. News photo Ra…

Cプログラミング 専門課程

Cプログラミング専門課程作者: 藤原博文出版社/メーカー: 技術評論社発売日: 1994/12メディア: 単行本購入: 4人 クリック: 28回この商品を含むブログ (19件) を見る・途中で一度もコンパイルせず、大量に変更してからコンパイルする人を見かけます。 こうい…

成功の法則 92ヶ条

・考えて行動するのではなく、考えるために行動する ・ひとつのアイデアを何度も右脳と左脳の間で行ったり来たりする ・完成することは未来永劫あり得ない。それを苦しみととらえるか、それとも喜びと考えるかで、 人生は180度変わる。 ・ひとつの組織の中に…


考告。 企画をヒットさせるために広告クリエイターたちが考えること [ハードカバー] / 一倉 ... ・当たり前のこともレトリックしだい ・その企業やその商品は世の中でどんな意味があるのか ・その企業やその商品は自分の中でどんな意味があるのか を考える …


panda boardがやっと来たー。 DigiKeyで注文して1ヶ月ちょっとかな。が、よく考えたらボード以外何もない。 しまった。。。 電源アダプタ、HDMIケーブル、シリアル変換、SDHCを別途購入。 届いたら動かそう。。。

The far-out Ogasawaras

The far-out Ogasawaras Their selection as a World Heritage Site will only add to the lure of Tokyo's subtropical isles By C.W. NICOL The Ogasawaras are a group of lovely subtropical islands about 1,000 km due south of Tokyo, from where the…

S.&P. Downgrades Debt Rating of U.S. For the Fir

S.&P. Downgrades Debt Rating of U.S. For the First Time By BINYAMIN APPELBAUM and ERIC DASH WASHINGTON  Standard & Poor’s removed the United States government from its list of risk-free borrowers for the first time on Friday night, a down…


ビッグとリトルの違いって、何?と 思っていたので、またあちこちから情報探してみました。。。もちろん格納順序が、見たいな話は漠然と知ってるわけですが、 で、なんで基本2種類で、どっちがいいの?どんなメリット・デメリットがあるの? ってところにな…

Miyagi beef cattle shipments barred

Miyagi beef cattle shipments barred By MASAMI ITO Staff writer The government ordered a complete ban Thursday on all shipments of beef cattle from Miyagi Prefecture after detecting radioactive cesium above the government limit in some loca…

Tezuka on iPad represents shift in manga biz

Moving pictures: The work of the "godfather" of manga, Osamu Tezuka, is now available in English to be read on iPad tablet computers. Tezuka on iPad represents shift in manga biz By PATRICK W. GALBRAITH Special to The Japan Times Manga is …


androidの親玉VMであるZygoteが利用しているLinuxの仕組み。・コピーオンライトの意味 http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%B3%E3%83%94%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AA%E3%83%B3%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3%83%88 http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/Keyword/20070207/261…


デュアルブートをやめて、2台のHDDそれぞれにOS入れることにしました。 間違ってLinux側の割り当て容量超えて書き込みしたりすると、 HDDクラッシュすることがしばしば・・・ 書き込めないだけじゃないのか・・・ アイネックス 3.5インチベイ HDD電源セレク…

Kawasumi double sends Japan into Women's・・・

Onward and upward: Nahomi Kawasumi gets a lift from her teammates after scoring the third goal in Japan's 3-1 win over Sweden in the semifinals of the Women's World Cup in Frankfurt on Wednesday. KYODO PHOTO Kawasumi double sends Japan int…


プログラミング作法作者: ブライアンカーニハン,ロブパイク,Brian Kernighan,Rob Pike,福崎俊博出版社/メーカー: アスキー発売日: 2000/11メディア: 単行本購入: 58人 クリック: 1,152回この商品を含むブログ (203件) を見る データ構造がプログラムのすべて…


WebCLってのが出たみたいですけど、 そもそもOpenCLって何?っていうところだったので、 ちょっと調べてみました。 (その前にもわかっていないこと多々あるけど) ・GPUコンピューティングを実現する仕組み・GPUだけでなくCellやDSPなどでも利用できる・下…

The Hangover Part II

'The Hangover Part II' Yet more proof that booze kills your brain cells By GIOVANNI FAZIO Any serious drinker knows that feeling of waking up in the morning so desperately hungover you feel like a reanimated corpse, and the groaning, quive…

Osaka takes early lead in summer fun

Osaka takes early lead in summer fun By REIMI DASDEB Staff writer Mythical lovers Orihime and Hikoboshi are eternally separated by the Milky Way. But once a year, they reunite and Japan celebrates this meeting via an event called Tanabata.…

A traditional cure for the rainy-season blues

Share | Friday, June 17, 2011 Perfect catch: The incredibly tender ayu tawara-age (deep-fried sweet fish, right) and maguro yukke (Korean-style tuna "carpaccio," below right) are two highlights of Kamozou's menu. Below left: Whatever you o…

Tsutenkaku Tower to get LEDs

Tsutenkaku Tower to get LEDs Kyodo Hitachi Ltd. will replace most neon lights for its advertisements on Osaka's signature Tsutenkaku Tower with light-emitting diodes in a bid to cut electricity consumption by half and contribute to nationw…

Nadal and Federer to Meet in Final

Nadal and Federer to Meet in Final By CHRISTOPHER CLAREY PARIS — It was a January night in Melbourne, Australia. Roger Federer had just been beaten in three tight sets by Novak Djokovic, and suggestions of decline were filling the room. “L…

Monthly yoga, diet plan in Tokyo

HOTELS & RESTAURANTS Monthly yoga, diet plan in Tokyo The Rihga Royal Hotel Tokyo will offer a monthly special accommodation program called Karada (Body) Happy Stay for women who want to get a taste of a different lifestyle. In cooperation…

Farmers' touch brings peas and quiet to Tokyo

Farmers' touch brings peas and quiet to Tokyo By ROBBIE SWINNERTON Where does the food on our plates come from? Who grows it and how does it reach our tables? It's almost impossible to know, even when we're at home cooking for ourselves. E…

Morozov once turned down chance to coach Mao

Morozov once turned down chance to coach Mao By JACK GALLAGHERIt's a story that few know, but is fascinating nonetheless, one that may have changed the course of recent skating history. Five years ago, shortly after he led Shizuka Arakawa …

U.S. Inquiry of Google on Drug Ads

U.S. Inquiry of Google on Drug Ads By CLAIRE CAIN MILLER Federal regulators are investigating Google on suspicion of illegally displaying ads for online pharmacies that are operating outside the law, government officials said Thursday. Goo…

Sake fights fallout of Japan's triple disaster

Sake fights fallout of Japan's triple disaster Japan's brewers, many devastated by the tsunami, work to allay radiation fears By MELINDA JOE Special to The Japan Times After surviving the double disaster of the magnitude 9 earthquake and t…

Evacuees briefly return home in no-go zone

Evacuees briefly return home in no-go zone Town residents allowed quick visit to collect belongings Kyodo FUKUSHIMA — Residents of the village of Kawauchi, designated as part of a no-go zone due to the ongoing crisis at the nearby nuclear …

Tepco opens doors at reactor for ventilation

Tepco opens doors at reactor for ventilation Kyodo Tokyo Electric Power Co. said the doors of the No. 1 reactor building at the crisis-hit Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant were opened Sunday, paving the way for the utility to proceed with eff…

Kan requests full closure of Hamaoka power plant

Kan requests full closure of Hamaoka power plant Ap, Kyodo Prime Minister Naoto Kan said Friday he instructed a utility to shut down a nuclear power plant in central Honshu because of concerns it might be compromised by major quake or tsun…

Tepco starts flooding No. 1 reactor vessel

Tepco starts flooding No. 1 reactor vessel Nuclear fuel in core must be submerged by water to cool Kyodo Tepco on Friday started increasing the amount of water it is injecting into the No. 1 reactor at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant in ho…

Sony confirms personal info theft of all 77 mill

Sony confirms personal info theft of all 77 million network users WASHINGTON — Sony Corp. has informed a U.S. congressional panel that personal information related to all 77 million users of its online services was stolen during a recent d…